2013 Conference Website Archive
Presentation Materials & Handouts
Continuing education professionals face new challenges every day. What worked in the past is no longer producing the kind of enrollments or revenues we used to see. Through innovation and collaboration, you can continue to thrive and add value to your institution and to your students lives. This 2-1/2 day conference in the Catskill Mountains is an excellent opportunity for you to join with other continuing education professionals. You’ll learn how to scale new mountains that include dealing with shrinking enrollments, demand for revenue, budget cuts, new initiatives and more. Re-energize and gear up for the future by learning about successful programs, sharing best practices, and building collaborative networks!
© Continuing Education Association of New York, Inc | info@ceany.org | 646-779- 3398
Mailing Address: 1632 1st Ave #21990, New York, NY 10028