Announcing CEANY Brown Bag Webinars (free to members AND non-members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year. Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to your own professional development and networking!
Details for the CEANY Thursday, March 17th, 2022 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: Leading Change in Higher Education Today
Description: Over the last several years with the myriad of challenges facing public higher education leaders, institutions have had to quickly pivot to new policies and practices to support their students and institutions. Additionally, college leaders have been tasked with developing new skills to lead during these times of great change. This session will focus on an overview of the Kotter 8-Step Process for Leading Change ( and how the steps can be used by leaders in public higher to better serve colleges and students. We will focus on specific examples of leading change across systems and institutions, as well as provide an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences and add to the collective community leading change.
Presenter(s): Jennifer Miller, Executive Director, NYS Student Success Center & Assistant Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges, SUNY & Kim Scalzo, Interim Executive Director of Academic Technologies & Innovation, SUNY Online

Kim A. Scalzo is the Executive Director of SUNY Online and Interim Executive Director for Academic Technologies and Information Services with oversight for SUNY’s online learning initiatives, Center for Professional Development and Academic Innovation. She also serves as the Co-lead for SUNY Student Success initiatives at the system level and is co-lead for the implementation of SUNY’s new Digital Learning Environment. Kim was previously Director of the SUNY Center for Professional Development at SUNY and Director of Academic Outreach Programs and Professional and Distance Education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is a US representative to the IACEE Quality Programfor continuing education organizations and co-founder of the Open SUNY Institutional Readiness program to implement quality standards for distance learning organizations. Kim currently serves as Past-President for the International Association of Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) Council. She has also served as Chair and Director of the Executive Board for the Continuing Professional Development Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE-CPD) and a member of the National University Telecommunications Network (NUTN) Advisory Board
Jennifer Miller is the Executive Director of the New York State Student Success Center (NYSSSC) and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Community College Support at the State University of New York (SUNY). As the Executive Director, she oversees the activities of the Center, which is part of the national Jobs for the Future (JFF) Student Success Center Network, including launching a Student Success Coaching Academy and providing support and resources for the NYS JFF National Guided Pathways Demonstration project. Jennifer served on the inaugural JFF Network Leadership Team from 2018-2020.
In her role at SUNY, she provides support and leadership for the statewide activities of SUNY’s 30 community colleges including projects related to grants management, operations, administration, marketing, and student success, as well as acting as a liaison for community college presidential searches. Additionally, she provides SUNY-wide leadership for the SUNY Student Success Center Network Community of Practice, which supports all 64 SUNY colleges and universities around projects and programs focused on student success. She helped to launch the inaugural SUNY Student Success Summit in 2018 and is a member of the planning team. Over the past several years, she provided leadership for the scale-up of Math Pathways, Developmental English, and Guided Pathways.
Prior to her role at SUNY, Jennifer was the Director of Communications at the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), an association of 100+ independent colleges and universities in New York State based in Albany, NY. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Management from Siena College in Loudonville, NY and a master’s degree in Organizational Communication from the University at Albany in Albany, NY.
When: Thursday, March 17th, 2022
Noon to 1:00, EST*
*Can’t make the webinar? Register now and you will receive the recording link to view at a later time!
How: Click here to register
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always, feel free to participate with your mouth full (and your mute button on)!
Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee