Announcing CEANY Brown Bag Webinars (free to members AND non-members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year. Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to your own professional development and networking!
Details for the CEANY Thursday, September 30th, 2021 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: How to get involved in CEANY: Board and Committee work for Professional Development
Description: Serving on a Board and/or committee within your subject area, community, or industry is an important strategy for building your knowledge and skillset. The networking and informal learning that takes place while interacting with colleagues around a common purpose helps you to develop and grow your ability to inform and lead, not only im your work, but in other areas of your life as well. In this lunch 'n' learn webinar, we will discuss how to best engage with your CEANY organization. What opportunities are there to join the board and committees that will also serve your need for professional development? Join Dana Lennon, Chair of the CEANY Nominations committee and learn about our board processes and mentoring program. Discover along with long-time Board Member David Kohn the various roles available within our organization as he shares with you his experiences fulfilling a wide-range of Board activities
Presenters: Dana Lennon and David Kohn

Dana J. Lennon, Esq. is the Senior Director for the Allied Health Career Pipeline Program at Hostos Community College's Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Development. She provides strategic and operational leadership for the Pipeline Program.
Dana’s nonprofit and healthcare career extends over 15 years. Her experience includes strategic planning, grant writing, program development, and ensuring compliance to grants, contracts, and government rules and regulations. She also oversaw the financial and operational management of grants totaling more than $32 million. Dana currently serves on the board of the Continuing Education Association of New York and is a member of the New York City Bar Association. She was also a board member of Bronx Community Board 8, the New York Coalition of 100 Black Women, and the New York University Alumni Association. She served as a volunteer attorney for the CUNY Citizenship and Immigration Project and for InMotion, Inc. Justice for All Women. A native New Yorker, Dana received a BS in information systems from New York University and a JD from Brooklyn Law School and is licensed to practice law in New York State. She is also a licensed New York Real Estate Broker.
David M. Kohn, M.S., M.B.A.
Workforce development leader with over 20 years of experience managing strategic operations, business and community development, and program design supporting residents, industry sectors, and regional and statewide priorities.
Dave is focused on solving talent and education pipeline challenges by creating opportunities focused on: helping students be recognized for their skills and facilitating access to employers and high-quality jobs; and providing high-impact solutions to local employers including strengthening their employee’s skills and competencies through customized workforce development training and services.
Prior to SUNY Orange, Dave held a number of management positions including Director of Workforce Development at Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY; Director for the Center for Business Information Technologies at New York Institute of Technology; and Business Analyst at J.P. Morgan.
Dave holds an MS in Adult Education and Human Resource Development from Fordham University, an MBA in Marketing from St. John’s University, and a BS in Business Management and Economics from SUNY Stony Brook.
When: Thursday, September 30, 2021
Noon to 1:00, EST*
*Can’t make the webinar? Register now and you will receive the recording link to view at a later time!
How: Click here to register
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always, feel free to participate with your mouth full (and your mute button on)!
Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee