Announcing CEANY Brown Bag Webinars (free to members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year. Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to your own professional development and networking!
Details for the CEANY Friday, May 10th, 2019 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: Advocacy: Strategies to Communicate Your Units Value Internally
Description: Continuing Education Units are often the innovative and forward thinking arm of college institutions. In this period of disruption and fundamental shifts in higher education, the ability to nimbly develop programs that are responsive and accessible to students and administer them in sustainable ways is a huge asset that our campuses often don't take full advantage of or completely understand. In this webinar we'll discuss strategies to convey the worth and opportunity of Continuing Education units at your college and ways to internally advocate for a place at the forefront of your institution.
In this presentation, learn how you could generate reliable reports that meet the needs of decision-makers at your organization, ways to address emerging needs, share experiences and communication strategies, develop standards and share results that reflect the value and potential of your operation to the larger campus community.
Presenters: Jill Pippin, Dean of Extended Learning Division at SUNY Oswego. David Kohn, Director of Continuing and Professional Education at Orange Community College.

Jill Pippin is the Dean of Extended Learning Division at SUNY Oswego, which offers programs and services such as Summer and Winter Sessions, Instructional Design services, Online and Distance Learning Degrees, Evening & Part Time Degrees, Adult & Non Traditional Student Advisement, High School Concurrent Enrollment, English for Academic Purposes, Intensive English, Testing & Proctoring, Veteran & Military Services, Non Credit Professional Development, Contract Training, Youth Programs as well as the SUNY Oswego Metro Center Branch Campus and Phoenix Center ancillary sites and programs and services offered in the Watertown / Fort Drum area.
As a collaborative partner, the Division works closely with all offices on campus and external partners to assess an educational need, and craft innovative, flexible and responsive ways to promote lifelong learning and continuing education.
Prior to joining SUNY Oswego in 2014, Jill worked as Dean for Continuing Education and a member of the senior academic leadership team responsible for innovative and community-oriented programs for adult and nontraditional students at SUNY Jefferson Community College and at various industry and higher education positions. Jill holds a Masters in Business Administration from Franklin University and a Bachelors degree in Communication Studies – Interpersonal from SUNY Oswego.
David Kohn is Director of Continuing and Professional Education at SUNY Orange. He provides leadership to extend continuing and professional educational experiences countywide and fosters strategic linkages to offer a full continuum of lifelong learning opportunities for the community, as well as business solutions for local industry and the public sector.
Prior to SUNY Orange, David held a number of management positions in both private and public sectors. Among these include: Director of Program Development at the Center for Continuing Education and Workforce Development at Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY; Director for the Center for Business Information Technologies at New York Institute of Technology; and Business Analyst at J.P. Morgan.
David holds an MS in Adult Education and Human Resource Development from Fordham University, an MBA in Marketing from St. John’s University, and a BS in Business Management and Economics from SUNY Stony Brook.
When: Friday, May 10th, 2019
Noon to 1:00, EST*
(*Can’t make the Webinar? Register for it and you will receive the recording link to view at a later time!)
How: Click here to register
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always,
feel free to participate with your mouth full
(and your mute button on)!
Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee:
Co- Chairs: Ms. Lisa Raposo (SUNY Center for Professional Development) and Ms. Michelle Thibault (SUNY Oneonta)
Committee members: Ms. Dana Lennon, Esq. (Hostos CC), Dr. Jane MacKillop (Lehman College/CUNY), Dr. Roosevelt Mareus (Rochester Educational Opportunity Center/Brockport), Mr. George Rosales (Consultant).