Announcing CEANY Brown Bag Webinars (free to members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year.
Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to your own professional development and networking!
Details for the CEANY Thursday, July 19, 2018 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: Making Course Documents and Materials Accessible to a Diverse Population
Description: The purpose of this session is to introduce participants to the basics of accessibility, with emphasis placed on making content accessible while promoting proactive (as opposed to reactive) steps that people can take to create and advocate for accessible content. We will focuses specifically on Microsoft products such as Word, PowerPoint & PDF documents that can be created to meet accessibility guidelines while having universal design features to makes these instructional materials easily accessible to a diverse population. We will show you simple methods that anyone can use and provide you a checklist to ensure materials created are accessible

Presenter: Meghan Pereira is the Director of Instructional Design & Training, Buffalo State College. Meghan has been in the education field since 2000 as a teacher, instructional technologist, and instructional designer. She has provided many workshops and presentations on online course development, web tools, ANGEL/Blackboard, mobile learning, web conferencing, universal design for learning and creating accessible content. Currently, Meghan serves on the SUNY Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Committee. In the past she has served as the External-Vice Chair for the Directors of Online Learning and Distance Learning Environments (DOODLE), and was a member of the SUNY FACT2 Council where she chaired the Online Accessibility Task Group and coordinated the FACT2 Symposium: Accessibility: Designing Access for All Learners. Meghan received her Master's degree in Instructional Systems Technology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from St. Bonaventure University.
When: Thursday, July 19, 2018
Noon to 1:00, EST*
(*Can’t make the Webinar? Register for it and you will receive the recording link to view at a later time!)
How: Click here
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always,
feel free to participate with your mouth full
(and your mute button on)!
Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee:
Co- Chairs: Ms. Lisa Raposo (SUNY Center for Professional Development) and Dr. Karen Schuhle-Williams (The College at Brockport/SUNY)
Committee members: Ms. Dana Lennon, Esq. (Hostos CC), Dr. Jane MacKillop (Lehman College/CUNY), Mr. George Rosales (Consultant), Ms. Michelle Thibault (SUNY Oneonta).