CEANY Brown Bag Webinars
(free to members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of lunch-time
Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year.
Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to professional development!

Friday, August 19th, 2016 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: Social Media for Continuing Education: Exploring the Best Practices for Effective Use
Description: Join us for an interactive discussion on social media in the landscape of continuing education. With social media here to stay, how can you make it work for your department, and your professional portfolio? Whether you manage your departments' presence, or have a designated staff member to develop and post content, discover the advantage of incorporating social media into your communications strategy to enhance student satisfaction, grow your customer base, and increase the visibility of your department.
Key takeaways: Discover the latest social media platforms used successfully by institutions; Discuss the best social media platforms for you; Learn tips and tricks for social media management and scheduling.
Presenter: Andrea Huda, Program Coordinator for Professional Programs & Corporate Learning at Baruch College (CUNY) Division of Continuing and Professional Studies (CAPS).
With over 10 years' experience in the field of higher education she has an accomplished background in program development and management, implementing outreach initiatives, and advancing partnerships. Over the years as social media expanded and grew, she saw the benefits it could serve as an engagement, marketing, and recruitment tool developing realistic ways for use in the continuing education audience.
As an Educator and Administrator, Andrea is passionate about bringing a holistic blend of personal and academic opportunities to students, helping to promote their professional growth and engagement in their studies.
Andrea earned her Masters of Science in Education with a Higher Education concentration from Baruch College (CUNY) and her Bachelor of Arts in Arts Management and Music from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She is also a proud Board Member of CEANY, and Chairs the Membership and Marketing Committee.
When: Friday, August 19th, 2016
Noon to 1:00, EST*
How: Click here to register
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always,
feel free to participate with your mouth full
(and your mute button on)!

Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee:
Co- Chairs: Drs. Jane MacKillop (LaGuardia Community College) and Karen Schuhle-Williams (The College at Brockport/SUNY)
Committee members: Ms. Linda Gramm Ferris (Orange County CC), Dana Lennon, Esq. (Hostos CC), and Ms. Lisa Raposo (SUNY Center for Professional Development).
For more professional development opportunities, go to and click on <Professional Development>