CEANY Brown Bag Webinars
(free to members!)
Don’t miss out on CEANY’s series of lunch-time
Brown Bag Webinars throughout the year.
Do something important for YOU! Devote just an hour of time to your own professional development!

Thursday, April 21, 2016 Brown Bag Webinar
Topic: Digital Marketing for Success in Continuing Education
Description: This webinar will provide participants with a high level, well rounded understanding of digital marketing strategies and solutions that impact educational program enrollment and return on investment (ROI). The information is useful to anyone who makes decisions about marketing spending and seeks to grow student enrollments for their programs. Our presenter, Mr. Richard Terrana, will cover the following:
• What is digital marketing and what does it entail?
• Digital Marketing Solutions 101
• Traditional media vs. Digital Media, what has changed
• The importance of Big Data from a marketing perspective
• The student journey to enrollment
• How your website can help or hurt your bottom line
• Success story and results from a CEANY member CUNY school.
This webinar will take the mystery out of digital marketing and educate you on how to utilize digital as a tool to make your marketing dollars work more efficiently at driving greater student enrollment, while giving you a level of transparency into what your marketing efforts are really doing (or not doing), that you may not have had before.
Presenter: Richard Terrana, Digital Marketing Consultant with ReachLocal
As a Digital Marketing Consultant, I work with enterprises across multiple industry sectors providing digital marketing strategies, solutions and software. My goal is to provide clients with the tools needed to competitively generate, manage and retain new customers, students and patients online. This is accomplished by helping advertisers take ownership of their web presence and marketing efforts with cutting-edge digital marketing solutions as well as valuable insight into ad spend and ROI with a powerful reporting platform and analytics.
When: Thursday, April 21, 2016
Noon to 1:00, EST*
How: Click here to register
Invite your colleagues to these Brown Bag Lunch sessions to maximize your professional development experience and as always,
feel free to participate with your mouth full
(and your mute button on)!

Brought to you by the CEANY Professional Development Committee:
Co- Chairs: Drs. Jane MacKillop (LaGuardia Community College) and Karen Schuhle-Williams (The College at Brockport/SUNY)
Committee members: Ms. Linda Gramm Ferris (Orange County CC), Dana Lennon, Esq. (Hostos CC), and Ms. Lisa Raposo (SUNY Center for Professional Development).
For more professional development opportunities, go to and click on <Profess. Dev.>