Title: Sink or Swim-Navigating a New Reporting Structure
Speakers: Tyre Bush, Amber Cloke, Ericka Lehman
Description: It is without a doubt that change can be challenging in any aspect. We know it’s even more challenging with organizational changes in our work life. In 2023, SUNY Corning Community College’s Workforce Education and Academic Pathways division was awarded the Bill McClure Award for their outstanding professional development leadership service to CEANY and their College and Community. This team was awarded professional development funding to aid in team building activities to create and establish a new foundation with their new Executive Director.
Over the course of the past ten months, SUNY CCC’s Workforce Team has endured a long-term disability leave from their new Executive Director and has since shifted under new leadership in the Academic Affairs division within the College. After many shifts and changes to their department, the Workforce Team has chosen to utilize their funds in a positive, professional, and team developing manner - join this session to find out how they did it and how they’ve taken these challenges and used them to their advantage - to better both their division and the College as a whole.
Title: Developing New Apprenticeship Trade Titles in Partnership with DYSDOL
Speakers: Sarah Wilson-Sparrow, Lauren Lankau, Michelle Kraines
Description: Apprenticeship trade titles can be limited, outmoded or maybe there is a federal trade but no state trade title. SUNY Schenectady's Apprenticeship team has learned methodologies in a "trial by fire" fashion. We wish to share what we have learned and encourage fellow colleagues to continue this journey with us
Title: Considering Adult Learners
Speakers: Karen Archibee, Sarah Wehrle
Description: SUNY Oswego has been evaluating their adult and online demographic, and analyzing how to best recruit and support these students. Just recently, Prior Learning Assessment has been formalized and a course has been created. We will discuss the important data regarding this group, how we’ve established new policy, and marketed to our population
Title: Pursuit of Wellness at Work and How to Avoid Burnout
Speakers: Alissa Levine, Jessica Cinelli
Description: Do you think about whether your workday can be more fulfilling and less stressful? It is possible! Join us for an informative, fun and interactive session to learn about incorporating approaches into your workday that will prevent burnout
Title: Merging Adult Literacy
Speakers: Doris Colson
Description: Enthusiasts of adult education with a focus on English Language Learning, Adult Literacy and Adult Basic education desire to delve into methods for captivating learners within their own communities. With the current immigration crisis at hand, more professional support is needed for the educators who tackle these distinct, local obstacles, and promote the advancement of educational opportunities. What are the ways in which higher education institutions and government can partner to achieve these goals?
Title: Where are the Jobs in Cybersecurity?
Speakers: Carolyn Nobles, Chandana Mahadeswaraswamy
Description: We will share creative strategies to create impactful opportunities for a diverse group to explore and enter the cybersecurity field. By leveraging industry partnerships and educational collaborations, we aim to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to succeed in this rapidly growing sector