CEANY Program Presentations: JFF Deep Dive into Guided Career Pathways by jobs for the Future NYSERDA Clean Energy WFD: Working Effectively with Employer Partners The NYC Accelerated Workforce Recovery HUB: Shifting from a Transactional Model for Non-Credit Workforce Training to One Grounded in Access, Support, and Success Wellness in the Workforce: Taking Care of Yourself, Your Team and Your Students Engaging Non-Traditional Students Through Badging Panel Discussion Welcoming Change, Impermanence and Transformation to Strategic Thinking Upskilling: Meeting Learners Where They Are In the Weeds: The High and Lows of Cannabis Workforce Development Why are Our Program Outcomes so Hard to Achieve? Find Out How to Attract and Support Students for Workforce Programs A Journey Through Marketing Apprenticeship Speaking the Same Language: Bridging the Communication Gap Between Higher Education, Business and Workforce Development
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Mailing Address: 1632 1st Ave #21990, New York, NY 10028